Echelon Donates wants you to submit your videos on what giving back as an Echelon means to you!
We have created a virtual Summit, much like 30 Seconds to Mars, where you can submit these videos. Be as creative as possible, but please keep your videos to under a minute. We will choose the best ones to be featured in a promo video for the current Echelon Donates project "Trees Planted in Haiti - An Echelon Gift to Jared Leto".
Submissions are due by November 11th. Please submit them to
Videos must be able to be sent as an attachment in an email.
*We figure the easiest and best way to do this is to videotape your submissions using your cell phone's camera.*
Thank you @CSK3983 for making this happen!
We have created a virtual Summit, much like 30 Seconds to Mars, where you can submit these videos. Be as creative as possible, but please keep your videos to under a minute. We will choose the best ones to be featured in a promo video for the current Echelon Donates project "Trees Planted in Haiti - An Echelon Gift to Jared Leto".
Submissions are due by November 11th. Please submit them to
Videos must be able to be sent as an attachment in an email.
*We figure the easiest and best way to do this is to videotape your submissions using your cell phone's camera.*
Thank you @CSK3983 for making this happen!
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